What is Gender Dysphoria


Today I'll be addressing something that almost every trans person experiences, and something that everyone experiences differently. Gender Dysphoria. So, the first thing we'll tackle is the question "What is Dysphoria?" and then I'll go through a few of the different types of Dysphoria that I've personally experienced.

First off, what is Gender Dysphoria? That as a broad term is pretty simple. Gender Dysphoria is when the gender someone was assigned at birth doesn't feel comfortable or right for them. This is where those different kinds of Gender Dysphoria come in. 

The main types that I've experienced (and am therefore somewhat authorized to explain) are Physical, Mental, and Social.

First off, and what most people see this topic as, is Physical. That's when someone's body doesn't line up with their real gender. Before I knew I was trans, I thought this was a symptom of my depression as body image issues. That I 'hated myself so much I felt physically sick'. That's basically what this Dysphoria is like. Your body is wrong, it feels ill and sick when you think of it and not much can help.

With Trans guys, this Dysphoria would generally be about the chest and/or genital areas. It could also be the shape of their body or their height. Whatever it is, it feels like everything about your body is wrong.

I can't speak for trans girls or trans-NB people, but I'd guess it was somewhat similar, but still very different.

What more, this is different for everyone. No one experiences Dysphoria the same way. And it's not always constant, which is one reason some don't believe it exists.

The second would be Mental. This is when someone doesn't see themselves as the gender they really are - mostly due to how they were raised, how other people treat them, and what they are presenting as.

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